In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
In [1]:
!pip list | grep pyspark
pyspark 3.3.0
In [2]:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
1. hdfs 에 파일올리기¶
$ hadoop fs -ls
$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/philhoonoh
$ hadoop fs hadoop fs -put /Users/philhoonoh/Desktop/Hadoop/data.csv /user/philhoonoh/
2. Spark Session 으로 data.csv를 dataframe 으로 불러오기¶
In [3]:
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# spark.stop()
22/08/23 13:53:30 WARN Utils: Your hostname, PHILui-MacBook-Pro.local resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface en0)
22/08/23 13:53:30 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
22/08/23 13:53:30 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
In [4]:
data ="hdfs://localhost:9000/user/philhoonoh/data.csv", header="true", inferSchema="true")
DataFrame[InvoiceNo: string, StockCode: string, Description: string, Quantity: int, InvoiceDate: string, UnitPrice: double, CustomerID: int, Country: string]
In [5]:
[Stage 2:> (0 + 1) / 1]
|InvoiceNo|StockCode| Description|Quantity| InvoiceDate|UnitPrice|CustomerID| Country|
| 536365| 85123A|WHITE HANGING HEA...| 6|12/1/2010 8:26| 2.55| 17850|United Kingdom|
| 536365| 71053| WHITE METAL LANTERN| 6|12/1/2010 8:26| 3.39| 17850|United Kingdom|
| 536365| 84406B|CREAM CUPID HEART...| 8|12/1/2010 8:26| 2.75| 17850|United Kingdom|
| 536365| 84029G|KNITTED UNION FLA...| 6|12/1/2010 8:26| 3.39| 17850|United Kingdom|
| 536365| 84029E|RED WOOLLY HOTTIE...| 6|12/1/2010 8:26| 3.39| 17850|United Kingdom|
only showing top 5 rows
In [6]:
[Stage 3:=============================> (2 + 2) / 4]
| Country|sum(Quantity)|
| Sweden| 35637|
| Singapore| 5234|
| Germany| 117448|
| France| 110480|
| Greece| 1556|
| Belgium| 23152|
| Finland| 10666|
| Italy| 7999|
| EIRE| 142637|
| Lithuania| 652|
| Norway| 19247|
| Spain| 26824|
| Denmark| 8188|
| Hong Kong| 4769|
| Iceland| 2458|
| Israel| 4353|
|Channel Islands| 9479|
| Cyprus| 6317|
| Saudi Arabia| 75|
| Switzerland| 30325|
only showing top 20 rows
3. Spark dataframe -> Pandas Dataframe¶
- Spark dataframe runs on multiple nodes
- Pandas dataframe runs on a single machine
In [ ]:
df_pandas = data.toPandas()
In [17]:
InvoiceNo | StockCode | Description | Quantity | InvoiceDate | UnitPrice | CustomerID | Country | |
0 | 536365 | 85123A | WHITE HANGING HEART T-LIGHT HOLDER | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 2.55 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
1 | 536365 | 71053 | WHITE METAL LANTERN | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 3.39 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
2 | 536365 | 84406B | CREAM CUPID HEARTS COAT HANGER | 8 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 2.75 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
3 | 536365 | 84029G | KNITTED UNION FLAG HOT WATER BOTTLE | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 3.39 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
4 | 536365 | 84029E | RED WOOLLY HOTTIE WHITE HEART. | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 3.39 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
5 | 536365 | 22752 | SET 7 BABUSHKA NESTING BOXES | 2 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 7.65 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
6 | 536365 | 21730 | GLASS STAR FROSTED T-LIGHT HOLDER | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:26 | 4.25 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
7 | 536366 | 22633 | HAND WARMER UNION JACK | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:28 | 1.85 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
8 | 536366 | 22632 | HAND WARMER RED POLKA DOT | 6 | 12/1/2010 8:28 | 1.85 | 17850.0 | United Kingdom |
9 | 536367 | 84879 | ASSORTED COLOUR BIRD ORNAMENT | 32 | 12/1/2010 8:34 | 1.69 | 13047.0 | United Kingdom |
4. Using SQL on pandas dataframe¶
- dataframe 으로 temp view 생성
- spark session 에서 sql 문 요청
In [9]:
In [21]:
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM data WHERE InvoiceNo=536365").collect()
[Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='85123A', Description='WHITE HANGING HEART T-LIGHT HOLDER', Quantity=6, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=2.55, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom'),
Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='71053', Description='WHITE METAL LANTERN', Quantity=6, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=3.39, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom'),
Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='84406B', Description='CREAM CUPID HEARTS COAT HANGER', Quantity=8, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=2.75, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom'),
Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='84029G', Description='KNITTED UNION FLAG HOT WATER BOTTLE', Quantity=6, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=3.39, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom'),
Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='84029E', Description='RED WOOLLY HOTTIE WHITE HEART.', Quantity=6, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=3.39, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom'),
Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='22752', Description='SET 7 BABUSHKA NESTING BOXES', Quantity=2, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=7.65, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom'),
Row(InvoiceNo='536365', StockCode='21730', Description='GLASS STAR FROSTED T-LIGHT HOLDER', Quantity=6, InvoiceDate='12/1/2010 8:26', UnitPrice=4.25, CustomerID=17850, Country='United Kingdom')]
5. Pyspark Dataframe with Plot¶
- Plotting PySpark Dataframes using standard python plot libraries like Seaborn require conversion to Pandas...(As far as I know)
- That being said, python will crash due to massive dataset when using pandas dataframe
- Thus in order to take advantage of distributing processing, do all the necessary transformations on PySpark Dataframe before transforming it into Pandas Dataframe
- As an alternative, Sample PySpark DataFrame before converting to Pandas
# data.sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed = None)
sample_data = data.sample(True, 0.5, 42)
pandas_df = sample_data.toPandas()
In [31]:
result_data = data.groupby('Country').sum('Quantity')
In [32]:
DataFrame[Country: string, sum(Quantity): bigint]
In [33]:
pandas_data = result_data.toPandas()
In [35]:
Country | sum(Quantity) | |
0 | Sweden | 35637 |
1 | Singapore | 5234 |
2 | Germany | 117448 |
3 | France | 110480 |
4 | Greece | 1556 |
In [38]:
sns.barplot(x = pandas_data['Country'], y = pandas_data['sum(Quantity)'])
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Country', ylabel='sum(Quantity)'>
In [39]:
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Apache Spark 5. Structured APIs (Dataframe, Spark SQL, Dataset) (0) | 2022.08.23 |
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