GIT3 [Git configuration on Server] REF Git install Git remote repo access 1. Install git If you don't have sudo authority, use conda $ conda install -c anaconda git 2. Git configuration git global set-up (configuration is different from users) git system set-up (unlike previous one, this would effect the whole system regardless of its users) Here I am assuming everyone has git configurations local. On your local. Copy from be.. 2022. 11. 13. [Redirecting git submodules] Reference Git submodules commands Problem Submodule is connected to original repos. While using opensource packages as submodules in my main project, made several changes to submodules. Commit & Push will be submitted to original repos submodules. Solution fork the original opensource packages to your own git redirect those submodules url to forked repo git remote set-url origin "https://github... 2022. 11. 12. Git multiple accounts / 깃 다중 계정 Git Multiple Account Management 1. ssh generation ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f "work" ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f "private" 2. Adding public key to each Git accounts pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ 3. Register each ssh entries to ssh-agent # Check Currnet Entries $ ssh-add -l # Register entry $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/work $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/private 4. Editin.. 2022. 4. 13. 이전 1 다음